June 03, 2009

Speed Bump


Just a couple days after our return to Brooklyn from Syracuse, we learned that Luca had a serious infection in his implanted port. The incredible team at MSK quickly made room for Luca in their operating room schedule to remove the infected port and place a temporary line (which he managed to pull out a few days later!).

Because of the infection and the surgery, we spent a few nights on the floor. Being back on the in-patient side stirred up lots of potent memories. It did, however, give our close friends at Sloan the chance to see how much Luca has progressed since he left on Christmas Eve. Many people who last saw Luca during a grueling transplant were amazed to watch him pushing a shopping cart through the halls, laughing so loud that it brought people out of their rooms to see who was making all the noise. It also gave us the chance to reconnect with people who had become like our family for the year we spent on the floor. Luca is now home and back to his normal routine.

While at the hospital we met some families who are going through very difficult battles, so please keep all the kids on M9 in your prayers.


Oh my goodness!! That is sooo sad but I am happy to hear that he is doing better now and was able to come do Relay For Life with us and lead the surviver lap for everybody to start the whole relay.
Keep up the good work!!

Love Always,
Nikky :~)

This is sooooo cute!!!! Thanks for tyhe updates!!

Love always,
Nikky :)

Hi guys!!
Love the picture- printed it and put it on our fridge. Jordan is shocked to see Luca walking. We were so sad to hear of this quick return for you to the hospital but glad to hear a short stay- We are so happy to hear he is doing better and home sweet home!! We think of you often and pray for you always-
Kelli, JOhn and boys

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