November 11, 2009

Excuse Me Chicken (video)


This has just become one of my most favorite blogs thanks to Mark Hurst.

Coming from me that is an extraordinary compliment, if you read here:

Thank you Luca, Mom and Dad for your courage and expression of love.

He is the cutest thing ever! I am so happy for you all!

Me, Reece and Adlynn are walking around the POU going "Excuse Me, Excuse Me". He is so frigging cute. Happy One Year Birthday Luca!!!
We love you,

Another smash hit from the man! I wonder where that "excuse me" comes from. It sounds familiar - Oh, is that Manal in the background (with the garbage can comment)?
Thanks so much for the update.
Love and lots and lots of hugs,
Rose M.

This is to cute. I love watching this one. It is my favorite. The one when he was running was so priceless. I was babysitiing Jordan the other night and showed him the one of him running. He said, "Look, I am going to do what Luca is doing." He then stepped back and ran to me screaming just like Luca was. He is getting so big. Just think, at the next Reley For Life, we will have to chase him around the track.=>

Love Always,
Nikky C. =>

Hi guys-
We have been so entertained by the videos of Luca. Aunt Kathy also sent us an email with the one of Luca running and laughing- priceless. We all laughed with him, and loved to see him so full of energy. Jordan is so excited he is walking and running- he says now they can race!! Hope all is well and can't wait to see you again hopefully soon!!!
Kelli, John, Johnny, Jake and Jordan

ess-u-me me, ess-u-me, ess-u-me. i can't get it out of my head! maybe i should say it while walking down the street. so funny!

Oh my goodness, how stinkin cute!!!!!
I am in love!

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